1. Legal status
1.1 RUSA Group Ltd (company registered number 11202938 ) and its associated companies are all Limited Liability Company incorporated in England and Wales with Landmark Underwritings Ltd. The address of the company’s registered office is 85 Gracechurch Stree, London, EC3V 0AA.
2. Intellectual property
2.1 All copyright in, and all other intellectual property rights that attach to, the content of this website (including the RUSA marks, logos and branding and the publications that appear on the website) belongs to Landmark Holding Group Ltd.
2.2 You may download and temporarily store one or more pages of this website for the sole purpose of viewing them. You may also print any of the publications on this website so long as each copy is a complete copy, no amendment is made to it and it is only for personal use or use within your organisation. None of the content of or publications on this website, whether or not permission is granted for downloading, printing or circulation, may be used for the purpose of commercial exploitation. Any other storage, copying, transmission or distribution of the content of or of publications on this website is prohibited without the prior written consent of Landmark Holding Group Ltd.
3. Electronic communications
Unless in writing you expressly prohibit communication by email or fax, we may use email and/or fax to communicate with you and others involved in your matter. Electronic communication carries with it certain risks. Email may not be secure, may be intercepted, may carry viruses, may distort during transmission and may arrive late or not at all. Email we send is not encrypted. Anyone who does not expressly prohibit communication by email or who communicates with us by email accepts these risks. We accept no liability for any inadvertent breach of confidence or privilege, or for any loss or damage that occurs, as a result communication by email. We operate anti-virus software, which is updated regularly, but we accept no liability for viruses. You must rely on your own anti-virus software and we recommend that you scan all emails and any attachments for viruses before opening them. We accept no liability for viruses. We advise you to confirm any advice received by email before acting on it. We monitor electronic communications to protect our business, clients and staff, and to ensure that our legal and regulatory obligations and our internal policies and procedures are being complied with.
4. Accessibility
We are committed to promoting equality of opportunity and respect for diversity in employment, in our dealings with clients and others and in the way in which we deliver our services. This website is designed to be accessible to as many users as possible by meeting or exceeding the requirements of current United Kingdom accessibility legislation and internationally accepted guidelines.
5. Publications
The publications on this website provide general information only. They must not be relied on as legal advice. They may not contain exhaustive statements of the law, they may not be up to date and the information they contain may not be appropriate for your matter or circumstances. Users based abroad should also be aware that laws and regulations may be different outside England and Wales. Users should take specific legal advice on any particular matter that concerns them before acting or omitting to act. If you require legal advice please contact us,
6. Complaints
If at any time you are unhappy about any aspect of the service we have provided, please in the first instance contact your nominated contact point at RUSA Group Ltd . If he or she is unable to resolve the matter to your satisfaction, please contact the firm’s complaints officer. The names and key contact details will appear in the relevant engagement letter.
7. Governing law
This legal notice and all issues regarding this website shall be governed by English law. Unless in its sole discretion Landmark Holding Group Ltd elects otherwise, any dispute relating to this website or legal notice shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
9. Assistance
If you experience any technical or other problems with this website, please contact RUSA Group Ltd